Tuesday, November 3, 2009


One thing for sure is that everything changes. Retirement has been busier than ever. We are trying to build our little corner of Paradise. What a lot of work, albeit blissful work. Although love grows as kids grow (mine are grown and gone, hallelujah!), the latest love to shine upon us is little Miss Shaely.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Life Changing Day

Life just keeps getting better! This is one of the sweetest moments in my life. Witnessing your children become parents, is huge miracle come full circle!

Maybe I am settling into old age (lol), but holding that baby is one of life's immense joyous moments.

I can't remember a time I felt as good or complete as I do right now!

It's very beautiful, and much better than a dream!

It's in his kiss

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Home for Toby

We worked sooooooooooooo hard to get the space ready for Ron's shed. We no sooner decided on 'the one', then had to proceed with clearing out the space. It didn't take us long. Ron rode the Toby like a bull at a rodeo! ((( shhh it did get stuck once, so we pulled it out with the truck :-D ))) The Tobymeister chewed up everything, which made it so much easier to bag. All in all, it only took us a little over 2 HOT hours to clear the 20'x20' spot. I think we were amazed at ourselves as well! This is one of those times we really appreciated the pool!I call it the Guard House because it's in the driveway on the way to the house. Great spot, doesn't interfere with the 'green' view from the backyard or pool. Even found palms growing.

We are soooo proud of ourselves! What a good job we did! (That qualified us for another jump in the pool!) Ron has his tool and 'Toby' storage, and the garage is beginning to see daylight!

What a good team are we. What a great weekend!

Beautiful Friend

Got this wonderful pic of a friend I met (albeit almost too late) in GTMO. Some things are just too good to let go!
We snorkled, photo'd, shelled, kayaked, and found a delicious rapport, not to be denied. Some things are just too good to let go! Here is a delightful pic of her on the Ferry catching her last flight out!
Thank you, Carolyn, for being my beautiful friend. Looking forward to sharing much more!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Phase IV

Phase IV? This is the last quadrant of our lives. Building, making this the best time of our lives together! At laaaaast! at laaaaaaaaaast! Bliss! I can't wait to see the Ron-man after he retires! So much to look forward to!

Bye Bye GTMO~ Bye Bye, I so miss my snorkel buddy, Dave~~ :-D
and the beautiful and Sweet Patti & Bella Isabella

and.... bye bye to all the Iguana:
#15 (always at the speed sign, who, after loosing his tail was dubbed Nob Bob - or was that because he lived at Nob HIll?),
Fast Eddie the Guard Iguana who roamed the housing areas with his 8,064,362 cousins, and the
Dive Guy, who lived on the beach at the Phillips Dive Park and harassed all the newbie dive students!

Here is our playground:and Ron's new hobby horse The Tobymeister:
Back home a month, now. Forget the 6 baby scorpions, huge wolf spider, and the mole I'm still chasing in the garage, LIFE IS STILL BLISSFUL here in the Goethe State Park - complete with gratuitous Wild Turkeys:and superhumanly curious and strong squirrels:
We (ha! I practically did it all myself!) unpacked 11 crates. Ron still just visits on weekends, till he retires! The whole garage was full, and.... now... the house is full! Little did we realize when we decided this house was for us, the lack of some small necessary details - like storage!
But, luckily, with all this effort, the house is beginning to look more like us every day.

The ceilings are huge! We ordered an 8 foot tall bookcase for the library (in the background behind the French doors). What I like is, there is practically no room for knick-knacks! (I think I hear a hallelujah!) So, where do you put a life? In the smiles and hearts of those around you! ok ok ok ~ Everyone is blossoming beautifully! (I think I hear a hallelujah!) And we have all this bliss, new home and acreage to share with all our loves!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Together Again...

Speaking of babes....

Me and mine!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Leaving GTMO

We are on the short side of leaving.
Moonset on the way to work, it's about 6:50 a.m. Finally got that Huimingbird shot!

or two... or twenty!

Leaving, for me, is one of those things I can't think about, just have to do it. Every day, every photo is a rush to catch and hold the beauty. It just can't be done.

The vast warm water and he incredible skies.

The slow iguanas.

The desert mountains.
What a stunning adventure...
Tough to leave.
Love it all.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Boatride!

He didn't know where or when! He knew something was up. His patience prevailed while Dave insisted Ron take him to his 'date' instead of home to dinner with us! It certainly was a Surprise!

Happy Birthday Old Man!

You are loved!
A delightful evening on the Bay!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Garden Visitors

I love to sit in the backyard after work with my camera. Lately I have wanted a picture of the Hummingbirds that zoom through, check out the red flowers, and disappear in a flash. Checking out the Banana trees something caught my eye. Have never seen one of these here yet. We played hide and seek for a bit as he seemed to be very conscious of my presence. I think he was after the thumb-sized bees that frequent the banana flowers - what else would a Green anole be doing disguised as a banana stalk?

Finally, I gave up and went to the front yard, where the hummingbirds were buzzzing the Panama Rose tree. This little guy let me get about 4-5ft. close (not easy getting a good focussed shot of him, either - try a dozen of 157 shots!!) But a prize when I viewed the pics, after all! The Cuban Humingbirds are known to rest on branches, but he took off! 1,2,3 poof!

gotta love them! Creatures big and small......

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Camel Whoops

Lindsay on a Camel! Love it wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppps

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Eddie, the guard Iguana.

I take so many pictures of this hill, Ron dubbed it Mt. Helene. This is the view of Mt. Helene this morning from our upstairs window.

Ron is doing 3 miles on the track with his Trikke. Building strength. Who knows, he may even be strong enough to cut up hill!! Can't wait to see that! The day started out slow. While we were having breakfast it poured like heck, couldn't even see across the bay. Saved by the rain. Will have to get a boat for next weekend.

Lindsay is back. That is the holy city behind them.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We love it here in the suburbs of beautiful downtown Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 20 months of water, mountains, sun, sea, sky.
Every morning a new gift.