Sunday, January 25, 2009


Eddie, the guard Iguana.

I take so many pictures of this hill, Ron dubbed it Mt. Helene. This is the view of Mt. Helene this morning from our upstairs window.

Ron is doing 3 miles on the track with his Trikke. Building strength. Who knows, he may even be strong enough to cut up hill!! Can't wait to see that! The day started out slow. While we were having breakfast it poured like heck, couldn't even see across the bay. Saved by the rain. Will have to get a boat for next weekend.

Lindsay is back. That is the holy city behind them.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We love it here in the suburbs of beautiful downtown Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 20 months of water, mountains, sun, sea, sky.
Every morning a new gift.